Recommended news
Submitted by Education Committee 2016-05-02
Scolarship at the Swedish American Chameber of Commerce in Washington
Career: Sveriges Allmänna Utrikeshandelsförening (SAU), the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), and the SwedishAmerican Chambers of Commerce of the USA, Inc. (SACC-USA) are proud to announce the first SAU scholarship available for students at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship will finance an 11-month training program for an SSE student at the office of SACC-USA in Washington, D.C. from September 2016 to July 2017. The successful applicant will get the opportunity to gain considerable knowledge of the SwedishAmerican business community, the SACC network, and the current US business climate. -
Submitted by IT Committee 2015-09-14
Business & IT is recruiting project leaders!
Career: Are you the right person to lead SASSE:s brand new initiative Business & IT? Stockholm is Europe’s tech-capital and home to numerous successful IT-businesses, such as Klarna, Spotify, Truecaller and Skype. Do you want to be a part of the next success story? -
Submitted by International Committee 2015-05-11
Focus: CSR "Från hygienfaktor till differentiering - Strategisk marknadsföring av Apotekets hållbarhetsarbete"
Career: Eventet hålls på svenska och frukost serveras! Allt fler företag väljer att arbeta med hållbarhetsfrågor. Miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt ansvarstagande kan närmast betraktas som en hygienfaktor. Apoteket har under många år utvecklat sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Genom att ge bra råd och sälja läkemedel, hälsoprodukter och tjänster, hjälper företaget sina kunder att leva ett liv i hälsa. Rätt läkemedelsanvändning och förbättrad hälsa leder i sin tur till minskade vårdkostnader. För Apoteket handlar hållbart företagande om att arbeta målmedvetet för att ta ansvar hela vägen från fabrik till kund och avfallshantering. Men hur kommunicerar man sitt hållbarhetsarbete till konsumenterna så att det känns relevant i köpsituationen? Och är det möjligt att bedriva lönsamma affärer samtidigt som man bidrar till en hållbar utveckling? I föreläsningen berättar Apoteket om hur de valde att göra för att kommersialisera sitt hållbarhetsarbete till slutkunden. -
Submitted by International Committee 2015-05-11
Focus: CSR "The Swedish Export Credit Corporation - An integrated sustainability work"
Career: Do you want free breakfast tomorrow and at the same time get inspiration? SEK´s (AB Svensk Exportkredit/The Swedish Export Credit Corporation) mission is to ensure access to financial solutions for the Swedish export industry on commercial and sustainable terms. We have a complementary role in the market, which means we act as a complement to bank and capital market financing for exporters wanting a range of financing sources. Our strong international network, extensive experience and expertise in export finance help us create value for clients on commercial terms. Our vision is to strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish exporters, which helps create employment and sustainable growth in Sweden. In 2014, SEK lent a total of Skr 57.1 billion to and for the benefit of Swedish companies through lending direct to exporters or to their customers. -
Submitted by International Committee 2015-05-04
Focus: CSR Day 2015
Career: Event for the whole week with lectures, workshops etc with Lundin Petroleum, Mannheimer Swartling, SEB, Yasuragi, SEK, Fazer, KPMG, Postkodlotteriet, Apoteket, Beteendelabbet, Anna Hagemann Rise and Nushin Kormi can be found below! -
Submitted by Media Committee 2015-04-07
M2, the annual career fair within MEDIA and MARKETING is recruiting Company Hosts!
Career: Send your short application to by Friday the 10th! The M2 fair will be held on the 21st of April with lectures and the annual banquet spread over a period of 3 days. As host you will be the contact person for our partner companies and make sure that their needs are fulfilled during the fair! -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2015-02-23
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2015-02-17
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2015-02-17
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2015-02-06
Submitted by Business Committee 2014-11-20
Submitted by International Committee 2014-11-06
Career: Do you want to explore Japan? Now is your time! -
Submitted by Business Committee 2014-09-18
Would you like to represent SSE worldwide? – Become an SSE Ambassador!
Career: Interested? Please send a motivation letter (about half an A4 page), describing why you would like to be part of this project, together with your CV. If you are interested in becoming a regional team leader, please make a note in the application. Send it no later than September 19th to: -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2014-09-06
Wallenbergssfären och entreprenörskap – Om varför ett företag överlever i mer än 150 år
Career: THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD IN SWEDISH Finns det något vi kan lära av en familj som gjort affärer i fem generationer och överlevt? På dagens seminarium, som baseras på boken ”Skepparen först, båten sedan. En bok om Marcus Wallenbergs värld och synen på ledarskap”, tittar vi närmare på denna fråga. -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2014-06-04
Professionalism of Directors: Invitation to unique conference at SSE
Career: Do the Boards of Directors have what it takes to keep our Nordic companies globally competitive? Welcome to a unique, Nordic conference with a global perspective at SSE in June 13th 08.00 – 14.00. This conference is for professional Board of Directors, but 10 places are reserved for SSE students - first come, first served. Deadline for registering is June 8th! -
Submitted by Business Committee 2014-05-10
London Investment Banking Week
Career: To apply, please write to enclosing the following: • Cover letter (max. 400 words) • CV/Resume (max. 1 page) • SSE grade transcript (most recent) also state your divisional preference, e.g. Investment banking, Sales and trading or Equity research and other back office roles. -
Submitted by Entrepreneurship Society 2014-04-28
NU Recruits new President of Entrepreneurship Society
Career: It ́s time to recruit the new president of Entrepreneurship Society. Take the change to be the leader for a creative and fun project. If you like a position where you have many possibilities to do different activities and have a passion for entrepreneurship – this is the right place for you. Send your application to with a brief letter of motivation and why you are the right person to continue develop Entrepreneurship Society. Deadline Monday 5/5 Questions about the position, ask Jonathan Rudman, -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2014-01-31
SSE Careers Online Takes over Placement Board
Career: Please note that all incoming adverts will be referred to Careers Online, from Tuesday February 4th. The SASSE Placement board will still be open for reading until all adverts have expired, but new adverts will be published on Careers Online only. Make sure you log in to familiarize yourself with the new services and please don’t hesitate to contact Career Services if you have any questions. -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2013-12-18
Careers Online
Career: Information regarding Careers Online. An email has been sent out to all students regarding the soon to be launched website Careers Online. Careers Online will, from early 2014, replace the SASSE placement board. More information will come. Fore any questions, please contact SSE Career Services -
Submitted by Business Committee 2013-09-23
Company Presentation Penalty Fee
Career: In order to NOT receive a penalty fee regarding the company presentations you have to make sure that you get ticked off the list. IF you do not get ticked off the list we are going to charge you the penalty fee of 200 SEK. -
Submitted by Business Committee 2013-09-03
Company Presentations - unregistrations
Career: If you have registered to a Company Presentation and can't attend you have to unsign within 24 hours prior to the event. This is done at - the same place where you signed up. If you do not unsign and don't show up to the presentation a penalty fee of 200 SEK will be charged. You CAN'T unsign by contacting the Business Committee. This has to be done at the SASSE events page. -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2013-05-20
The Business Committee Is in search of Business Committee MSc Advisors!
Career: The Business Committee is looking for MSc Advisors who will act as a link between between your MSc Specialization and the Business Committee - helping us to improve our job! Apply to before the 30th of May! For more information see the attached document. -
Submitted by International Committee 2013-05-17
Focus CSR is recruiting two project managers for 2014!
Career: Focus CSR is recruiting two project managers for 2014! Do you feel that you are the one? Send us a short motivational letter together with your CV, telling us why you should become the new manager. You can apply in pairs or individually and send your application to until Monday, May 20th. We are looking forward to hear from you! -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2013-04-24
Unique lecture by entrepreneur and philanthropist Percy Barnevik
Career: From the helm of ABB and the inner circles of Investor to the Bilderberg sessions and micro loans in India, Percy Barnevik has done it all. Now the successful entrepreneur and philanthropist visits SSE to give an exclusive lecture for Alumni and Faculty in the SSE Atrium on the 14th of May at 4.50pm. -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2013-04-04
Career Week 2013
Career: The time for choosing your BSc specialization is approaching! Therefore, the Buisness Committee is arranging Career Week 2013 for all BSc2 students. Come listen to interesting panel discussions about each of the five specializations. Sign up at in the events calendar! -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2012-09-19
Submitted by London Investment Banking Week 2012-09-16
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2012-09-05
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2012-08-27
Submitted by Business Committee 2012-05-06
Submitted by Enterprise Day 2012-04-17
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2012-04-01
Lunch offer in the Rotunda
Career: The SASSE Kitchen is now completely refurnished, and from of the 1st of May the SASSE Board will serve Oxfilé with french fries for only 89 SEK in the Rotunda. Looking forward meeting you all at the grand opening a month from now. -