Submitted by International Committee 2015-05-04
Project China 2016 is recruiting Project Leaders
Education: Do you have what it takes to become the Project Managers of Sweden's largest student project with international focus? Do you desire an experience that will be remembered for life and direct contact with the Chinese market? We are looking for two project managers that want to carry on the work with strengthening the professional and cultural relationship with China. -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2015-04-28
Submitted by The SASSE Council 2015-04-17
Recruitment of the SASSE Equality Group
Education: New for this year is the SASSE Equality Group! As a member of the Equality Group, you will be able to influence the Equality work within the association. It will give you great abilities to make your voice heard and steer the association in the right direction. Deadline: April 24th -
Submitted by Equality Representative 2015-04-17
Recruitment of the Equality Group 15/16
Education: New for this year is the SASSE Equality Group! As a member of the Equality Group, you will be able to influence the Equality work within the association. It will give you great abilities to make your voice heard and steer the association in the right direction. Deadline: April 24th -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2015-03-13
Trettio år av New Public Management – behov av förändring?
Education: Score och tidskriften Organisation & Samhälle bjuder in till seminarium och debatt kring styrningsformer i stat och kommuner. Efter trettio år av New Public Management (NPM) har regeringen aviserat en vilja att ge professionerna större utrymme. Vilka problem löser det och vilka skapas? Finns det något i NPM som är värt att bevara? Vad säger forskarna?