U.S. Relations

Do you love the United States or are you interested in all the awesome job they offer? Now we are looking for a project for our U.S. day and to U.S. career week. A day where contacts are made, jobs will be communicatedand and knowledge disseminated.

U.S. Career Week will bring students to the U.S. to establish contacts and meet companies from all possible sectors. Take your chance and apply now!

• Deputy Project Manager
• 2 x Sponsorship Officers
• Head of Events
• Communication / IT

Please write a short description of yourself, why you want to be part of this project and possible ideas for Ida Rehn on usrelations [at] sasse [dot] se last September 20.

Published 2010-09-14 14:46 by testy tester for Business Committee


  • Volha Zhyhimont

    Hej försöker att komma in på ngt event. Hur gör man egentligen? Är förvirrad.