KPMG International Case Competition

Only 2 weeks left to sign up to KPMG Case Competition!

KICC is the worlds largest case competition where teams of 4 people compete in solving cases. The winning team from Handels gets to compete in the national competition in Lund later during the year. The winner from Lund then gets the opportunity of a lifetime to travel to São Paulo and compete against teams from all over the world (along with a sum of 40000 SEK)!

The only thing you need to do is divide yourselfs into teams of 4 and sign up latest the 20th of October here; kpmg/student/2013/ KPMGICC2013.htm

Also check out the facebook page: KPMGCase

For more information: careers/whatcanido/careerlevels/students/kicc/pages/default.aspx

If you have any other questions, contact Johanna Rydén and Annahita Nikavar by emailing kicc [at] sasse [dot] se!

Published 2013-10-07 16:04 by Anna Berg for Social Committee