Project China
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Project China was established in 2003 as a joint initiative between the Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm School of Economics to promote academic and professional exchange between Sweden and China. With events in Stockholm, Beijing and Shanghai, Project China strives towards advancing cultural understanding as well as strengthening the bond between our two nations.
The theme of the year: Next Generation
China, the country of the future, is now going through consequential changes. We strongly believe that these changes not only are going to have an impact nationally, but around the whole world by affecting economy, culture and people.
That is why Project China has chosen to focus on the changes in generations this year, and what affects these changes will have on the population of China, the cities and innovation.
Next Generation: People
What are on Chinese top students minds today? How did the one-child policy affect their thinking?
Next Generation: Cities
China is no longer just Beijing and Shanghai. How will the upcoming cities, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan and Tianjin look in the coming years?
Next Generation: Innovation
What forms the next generation China? What impact will the next generation have on the rest of the world? Who are the upcoming entrepreneurs in China? What affects do micro blogs and Internet have on the next generation in China?
For more information visit Project China or contact someone from the Project Group!