A new term and New Membership & Entrance Fees

Dear students of SSE and members of SASSE

We are thrilled about soon welcoming new and old members back from the summer break! This year will be better than ever, in all parts of our career services, education coverage and social activites – it will be an exciting fall with everything from new art initiatives by Art Division to the Student’s Nobel Night Cap, the after party to the Nobel Banquet. The 2014 year’s membership fee is 300 SEK and the pub entrance fee is 50 SEK for members and 70 SEK for non-members and external guests. As always, the money is spent on activities, project structure and to our (newly renovated and fresh) premises. In other words, we will do everything in our power to make sure you get a ridiculous amount of value for your money! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at president [at] sasse [dot] se Sincerely, The SASSE board 14/15

Published 2014-08-18 00:33 by Erik Schuss for The SASSE Board