Submitted by The SASSE Board 2011-09-16
Submitted by The SASSE Council 2011-09-16
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2011-09-07
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2011-09-07
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2011-09-01
Study Scholarships for Students in the Bachelor and Master programs
Education: The Stockholm School of Economics hereby announces study scholarships of each SEK 5,000 for the Academic Year 2011–2012 from the following funds: CF Liljevalch J:r studiestipendium, Svenska Fondhandlarföreningens stipendium, Alfred Lagerheims stipendium, C Janssons studiestipendium, Th Frölanders stipendium, G O Örns belönings- och understödsfond, H Asplunds stipendium, Iwar Sjögrens stipendiefond -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2011-09-01
Studenthälsan at SSE
Education: The Stockholm Student Health Unit will come to SSE every Wednesday! -