SASSE Book Swap

On the hunt for course literature? Want to get rid of that old marketing book? Then SASSE Book Swap is the perfect site for you! Here you can sell your old course literature and also buy other students books at heavily discounted prices. As of the beginning of September, books added prior to August 2015 have been cleared from the site.

How to add a book to the SASSE Book Swap Site:

1.  Log in with your SASSE account
2. To the right, under "My Tools", click on "Book Swap"
3. Simply click on "Click here to sell your books"
4. Enter the title, course, price and condition (on a scale of 1-5)
5. Press "Save"

To remove your ad from the site, click on your ad, press on the tab "edit", and scroll down to "delete".

How to search for books to buy:
1. You can sort the books by either title or course number
2. Under "contact information", you can find the email adress to the seller
3. Decide upon a meeting - swap the book for money!

Simple as that! Happy book hunting!

Published 2015-09-24 16:23 by Herman Wartoft for Education Committee