Regarding the hecklers' comments on the election promises in the SASSE election

The kind of behavior connected to the comments on the election promises in this year’s election is completely unacceptable within SASSE and goes against both our values and purpose. The concrete actions that we, in collaboration with the school, have decided upon is that:

-        All the comments on the election promises from the Hecklers have been withdrawn and new election promises without comments will be published. -        The Hecklings committee has been dissolved and all sorts of hecklings will be canceled in this year’s election. -         A thorough evaluation will be conducted to evaluate how this may have happened, what the causes to this are, and how we are going to make sure that something like this never happen again. This will be done in collaboration with SSE. // SASSE Board 15/16

Published 2015-11-19 12:35 by Max Bromée for The SASSE Board


  • Sven-Olof Junker

    The school has been even more direct in its comment on the event: "The students who participated in the insults will be subjected to disciplinary actions with expulsion from SSE as a possible penalty." Further, I believe the heckling committee has committed a crime according to the Swedish law of defamation. I assume that it will be reported to the police for investigations. I hope SASSE will work together with SSE to resolve these kind of devestating structures shortly. It is important to strengthen SSE's reputation as a modern, cutting-edge school. /Svenne Junker, SSE alumini 1998-2003, PhD 2014 and current researcher at SSE Misum
  • Simon Strålberg

    Are you happy now, feminist agitators? Is this what you wanted? Being insulted is one thing, and you have a right to be insulted. But you do not have a right to NOT be insulted. Especially important for tomorrow's leaders, and therefore I think it's a character-building thing that the candidates can expect to be ridiculed. Sure, some comments may be out of line, but you can't expect every single heckling comment to be agreeable to every single person in the Student Association. If you lack a sense of context or humor when reading the pork, that is your problem, not mine. If you guys are looking to create a SASSE (and in the extension, a world) without humor or freedom of expression, I don't wanna be in. The hecklings being removed this year is a pity, and will create a less engaged Student Association. Congratulations. /Rant over