Extended dealine for BC Case Competition

Friday the 8th new deadline to sign up for BCCC!

Are you quick-thinking, brilliant and creative? Are you a team player? Do you perform your best under pressure? Now you have the opportunity to show some top companies what you’ve got! The Business Committee Case Competition 2013 takes place on November 12th. There are two categories of competition: Marketing and Strategy. You will be competing in teams of four and be judged by some of the most attractive employers in each field. We will use HBS cases and participants will have four hours to solve the case and prepare a presentation for the jury. After a hard day of case cracking, you will be able to mingle with the judges and fellow students over dinner. In addition to the competition participants will be able to attend a case cracking seminar hosted by Arthur D. Little. This seminar will be held before the competition to introduce, or refresh, the art of case cracking to you, something that is essential independent of what industry you end up working in. So put together a team of four and send your application to bccc [at] hhss [dot] se including the names of the students on your team. Don’t forget to state which category you are applying for! We would like to have your application by November 8th 18:00 PM.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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