Submitted by The Election Committee 2010-12-02
Meet the Candidates Friday 13:00-14:15, SSE Atrium
Education: Did you miss the heckling? Take the chance to meet all the candidates in this year’s election. Get to know who they are and what they want to achieve during the next year And most importantly: Get your voice heard! What can they do for you? Rumors say that they will greet you with sweets and soda in the Atrium right after the heckling on Friday. -
Submitted by Business Committee 2010-11-25
Top Quality CV:s wanted!
Career: NOW the Business Committee is home from our 1 week SSE promotion tour in New York and Washington DC . During the trip our partner The Swedish American Chamber of Commerce asked us for top quality CV:s to get concrete evidence of SSE student quality. Think that you have that CV? -
Submitted by The SASSE Board 2010-11-22
Information about restricted access
Education: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 is the day of the Stockholm School of Economics Corporate Partners Annual Meeting. Due to the security surrounding the event, access to some areas of the school will be limited. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. -
Submitted by Other Projects 2010-11-15
Would you like to have an experienced SSE alumni as mentor?
Education: Every year Kamratföreningen (The Alumni Association of the Stockholm School of Economics) offer a mentorship program for students at SSE. The ambition is to support students approaching graduation to a successful start of their career. -
Submitted by Other Projects 2010-11-15
Jonas Bonnier to hold lecture at SSE!
Education: Jonas Bonnier will come to SSE to talk about the future of the media industry and the Bonnier Group. As the top chief of the group, we couldn't be happier to have him here. Take the chance to get to know Jonas, the media industry, and how you can be a part of it! -